Greetings Troop 282 Families,
I wanted to take a moment and say a huge round of thanks for being a part of the last two outings. They made merit badges and the overall outings amazing!
Now on to the next few weeks of Troop meetings. There is NO TROOP meeting this week. Scouts should be working on completing any merit badges or rank advancement from the previous two outings.
On 8/18 the troop will be meeting and having a time of planning and completion of anything needing to be completed leading up to the court of honor. We plan on meeting at Alton Baker. Location to be announced next week.
On 8/25 the troop will be meeting for our Summer Court of Honor. We are reserving space at Alton Baker for the evening. Plan on attending as we have a large amount of awards and rank advancement. Start time will be 7 pm. More information to follow!
Scoutmaster Altmiller