It’s time again for candy bar and meat stick sales! You can check out boxes of 60 candy bars and bags of 24 meat sticks from me to sell at booth sales and anywhere else that you have connections. You can return unopened boxes and bags at the end of the sale.
I will have the product on September 12 and can hand it out at the Troop meeting on the 17th. There will be chances to restock along the way and then all product and money is due on October 29.
Both the candy bars and meat sticks sell for $1 each and you get a 25%+ commission. The additional commission being dependent on whether we sell more as a Troop than last year and if we don’t return more than 10% of what we sell.
Let me know if you would like to reserve some boxes of candy or bags of meat sticks. Also, please let me know if you are interested in signing up for booth sales. Future emails will only go out to those who have replied back.
Please request booth sales from me (not Abbie). Here is the link to view what stores and times are available:
Madeleine Olmstead (Jared’s Mom)