Hey Troop 282,
This was just announced via the OTC.
We are super excited to announce that Pre Registration is now open for our Oregon Trail Council National Jamboree 2021 contingent (Troop) applications!!!! Space will be extremely limited so all pre registration applications will be viewed first. This does not require a Scout to commit yet, that will come when the full application opens up in the coming months but it does help a Scout reserve a spot.
In order for a Scout to register they must be a registered member of a Scout Troop, have completed the 6th grade, or will be at least 12 years old (but who has not yet reached their 18th birthday by 8/1/2021) and a first class Scout by July 1, 2021.
Click here to pre register: https://form.jotform.com/92094798782981
Leadership has not been selected yet but should be announced sometime next month. This was posted to social media first and will be sent out to all Scoutmasters and Committee Chairs via email today or tomorrow and will be in the next issue of Trail Smoke (the Council newsletter) however I want to make sure all 282 is aware of this opportunity.
Pre registration is not a commitment, a Scout can pre register now and after leadership has been selected and total cost confirmed, they can decide if they want to proceed with the full application and commit to attending. All this does is secure a Scouts position on the list of applicants, Scouts that pre register will be considered first before everyone else. Space for this contingent will be very limited!
Please let James Braham or myself know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Wendy Braham
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