1 of 21,157 Committee meeting at 3 pm today!

Committee Meeting Members,

Here is the agenda for Sunday. Some of my comments below to pass on.

  • I do want to stress, HOW? can the committee/adult leadership help with the next two campouts.
  • If there are things that adults can help with better to get in front and get volunteers now.
  • For the bottle-drop in the fundraising, I wanted to bring that up as maybe an option to fundraise in the future? I have been dropping off bags since duck parking ended, not a lot but if everyone could pitch in it would help in the long run.
  • If duck parking goes south we need to consider all options for fundraising in the fall and plan for it.
  • Class B attire has been loose. When in public (golf) let’s try to look sharp. People notice, and the scouts are the best publicity we have. Never get a chance at a second first impression.
  • http://timberlinetrail.org/ would like to do in September or early October? Late August o.k.?

Zoom Meeting Information

Scoutmaster Altmiller is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Troop 282 Committee Meeting
Time: Jul 12, 2020 03:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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