PLC at 6:00 pm ALL other scouts: Regular Troop Meeting at Laurelwood 6:30 pm

Troop 282 Families,

Troop 282 PLC meeting at 6 PM at Laurelwood Golf Course. We will layout the rest of the summer of merit badges as well as Summer Camping Plans.

Please only the PLC group meet at 6 pm. This is an important part of planning for the rest of summer.

Starting on 6/30 Troop 282 will begin the Golf Merit Badge at Laurelwood Golf Course. We will begin at 6:30 and go until 8:30. If you have golf clubs, please bring them. If you do not, we have some to share. Bring a water bottle. See you soon. Directions:

Upcoming outings:
July 23-26 Florence
August 6-9 at Camp Kitson

Look for further details to come out.
